Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's the Internet, son

If you're reading this, you most likely know what TCP is. You also might know what UDP is, and what the differences between the two are. If you don't, read a little of the Wikipedia entry on the Internet [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet], and skim the links about these network protocols. The Internet is the embodiment of these standards, and this is where we will start.

Web applications that we are concerned with are first and foremost applications, layers of software that provide some sort of service to a person or group of people. A Web application is only special insofar as it is deployed on the Internet and is accessible by contacting a hosting server via some sort of network browser.

"Right thing" [http://www.jwz.org/doc/worse-is-better.html] advocates would say the goal of a Web application is to provide the client the illusion that the application is native to their machine, providing seamless access to data and functionality that is, in actuality, housed on a set of machines somewhere far across the Internets. This is admirable, and should be the goal of all Web developers. They might continue on to say the interface should be simple, consistent, and complete at all costs, even if the implementation of the application suffers from complexity.

Of course, there are many open questions when we descend from our 10,000 ft. goal - if our data set is large, how do we serve that across millions of miles of cable without the user waiting for it? If the user has a high-latency satellite connection to the Internet, how do we get around her experiencing round-trip-times in the seconds? How do we provide uniform access to resources across disparately performant physical mediums? ("Right thing" advocates are probably too busy maintaining, debugging and securing their RPC stub generators to answer these questions, so I'll do it for them.)

The obvious answer is that you can probably spend all of the world's software contractors' budgets combined and never be able to do things the "right way." The interface will never be simple enough to completely obfuscate the idea that a Web application is deployed on the Internet. The less obvious answer is that we can still do things simply, chiefly because the Internet already has mechanisms in place to do this for us - remember TCP and UDP? They're the ones that were used by HTTP to serve this very Web page, this (hopefully X)HTML document. They are the Postal Service of the Internet - with the power of the OSI model layers [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSI_model] combined, your documents can be delivered to and fetched from your clients the best way the Internet knows how - GETs, POSTs and PUTs.

So why shouldn't your Web application make use of this document delivery service?

If your data is already in or is easily convertible to a Web friendly XML or JSON format, you are in business. Boot up a Web server to serve up those documents, create a client-side application that can communicate via GETs, POSTs and PUTs (GWT [http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/] is a good, AJAX-y option) and you have an architecture that lays flat against the original design principles of the Internet.

Of course, you can optimize the Web server by designing your own file system to version, cache, and pre-fetch, your documents. Or if you're less adventurous, you can download a lightweight servlet framework that can do much of this for you [http://www.restlet.org/].

This discussion is far from over, of course. The next post will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of maintaining data as XML documents, and how fine-tuning the granularity of contextual metadata will determine the performance of your application.

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